Convalis Prediction is a Swiss-based channel partner of Predictive Layer and a business unit of Convalis AG.
In 2015 Predictive Layer and Convalis Prediction signed a contract to extend the sales network of Predictive Layer to international markets (EMEA & CIS).
Convalis Prediction is driving a network of experienced senior professionals to develop business opportunities in different countries and regions. In order to be effective, Convalis Prediction is reqruiting only the most experienced senior executives for this network.
Thomas Sutter, Chairman and Founder
Seeblick 1
6330 Cham
Tel: +41 79 352 68 55
Convalis Prediction is the channel partner of Predictive Layer
and a business unit of Convalis AG.
Thomas Sutter, Chairman and Founder
Seeblick 1
6330 Cham
Tel: +41 79 352 68 55
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